141 research outputs found

    Ângelo de Sousa’s photographic and film collection: strategies for the preservation of colour slide-based artworks

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    The Portuguese artist Ângelo de Sousa (1938-2011) produced noteworthy work in photography and experimental film. However, a lack of in-depth studies focusing on the use of these media by the artist is acknowledged. Thus, his work has been studied, particularly through unpublished documentation found in the artist’s house and in public archives, bringing new insights into his production. Despite the delay in the artistic context felt in Portugal in the post-modern period, Ângelo de Sousa produce photographic and film work perfectly in line with that of other international artists. The slide-based artwork Slides de Cavalete (1978-1979), constructed with the additive synthesis of colours, stands out as an example of the inventiveness achieved by the artist with these media. The production process behind Slides de Cavalete has been studied and reproduced, allowing for a thorough understanding of the work and contributing to the definition of its significance. The photographs and films have been gathered together in his house. Since typologies, quantities and condition of the materials were unknown, a survey was carried out to enhance knowledge of the collection and to define preservation priorities. Accordingly, 35 mm chromogenic reversal films (slides), used to produce almost all his photographic colour work, was highlighted as the set in highest risk due to colour change detected in one third of these materials. Thereby, slide-based artworks by Ângelo de Sousa were studied in further detail. The display options undertaken by the artist during his lifetime have been investigated, in order to guide the decision-making process regarding the exhibition and preservation of his slide-based artworks. Slides de Cavalete was selected as a case study, and the history of its exhibition was assessed by searching for documentation and interviewing people. Thus, it is understood that the work was first presented projected on a canvas over an easel, in 1979. Since the artist’s death, the work has been presented without this setup, and recently, as a digital projection. An exhibition was conducted at FCT NOVA, to test the variability of the work displayed with a digital and a slide projector. Based on a questionnaire, a clear preference for the slide projection was acknowledged. Thus, guidelines for the exhibition of Slides de Cavalete are defined, following its first presentation. Considering that chromogenic reversal films are highly susceptible to colour change and that there is still much to know about these materials, their molecular characterization and degradation has been studied. Different pathways to characterize chromogenic dyes are suggested based on chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. Additionally, a methodology to accurately monitor colour change in these materials has been defined, based on samples artificially aged at different temperatures (50, 60, 70 and 80˚C) and relative humidity (40% and 60%). The samples were assessed using spectrophotometry with optical fibre probes in the ultraviolet-visible range. From the spectral data, intensity maximums, CIE L*a*b* coordinates and the total colour variation (ΔE*) have been determined. Optical microscopy and digitization have also proven useful for degradation assessment on these materials

    Conservação de negativos em triacetato de celulose

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro (Área de Fotografia)Os negativos fotográficos em triacetato de celulose (TAC) apresentam uma deterioração rápida e irreversível, conhecida como síndrome do vinagre. Os esforços feitos para contornar este perigoso fenómeno incidem essencialmente em processos de preservação, como é o caso do Arquivo Fotográfico de Lisboa, onde foi tratada uma colecção de negativos de acetato de celulose. Foi efectuada a sua descrição, digitalização e acondicionamento a baixa temperatura. Foi ainda realizado um estudo da influência de diferentes tratamentos na conservação de negativos em TAC, procurando novas soluções para retardar a deterioração deste material. Para tal, realizou-se um envelhecimento acelerado de dois tipos de negativos em TAC, expostos a altas temperaturas (70°C e 90°C) e humidades relativas (60% e 80%). As amostras foram submetidas a diferentes tratamentos de limpeza: i) água, ii) solução alcalina (NaCH3COO), iii) vapores alcalinos (NH3), e iv) nanopartículas de Ca(OH)2 em isopropanol. Foi feito um estudo comparativo entre as amostras tratadas e não tratadas, e com filmes de TAC manufacturados, através da sua análise por microscopia óptica, espectroscopia FTIR, viscosimetria capilar e digitalização. Quatro amostras do Arquivo em diferentes estados de conservação foram igualmente caracterizadas por FTIR. O tratamento das nanopartículas foi avaliado por microscopia electrónica de varrimento


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    Objetivo: avaliar a associação da Lesão Renal Aguda com os desfechos clínicos dos pacientes em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.Método: trata-se do recorte de dados de coorte com visão prospectiva, realizada em uma unidade intensiva privada na capital sergipana entre outubro de 2018 e julho de 2019. A amostra foi por conveniência e não probabilística. Os dados foram analisados com os testes de Kolmogorov-Sminorv; exato de Fisher e t-Student através do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.Resultados: participaram do estudo 100 pacientes, 29% apresentaram Lesão Renal Aguda, sendo 62,1% destes do sexo masculino e com 70±16 anos. Foi evidenciada associação da injúria com infecção (p=0,018), ventilação mecânica por mais de 48 horas (p=0,016), morte (p=0,010) e lesão por pressão (p=0,037).Conclusão: O estudo contribuirá para identificação precoce da lesão renal, promovendo auxílio no planejamento do plano para reduzir as complicações da doença.Objetivo: evaluar la asociación entre la Lesión Renal Aguda y los resultados clínicos de los pacientes en Unidad de Terapia Intensiva. Método: se hizo una selección de datos de cohorte con visión prospectiva que se realizó en una unidad intensiva particular en la capital de Sergipe entre octubre de 2018 y julio de 2019. La muestra se hizo porconveniencia y no probabilística. Se analizaron los datos con pruebas de Kolmogorov-Sminorv; exacto de Fisher y t-Student por medio del Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Resultados: 100 pacientes participaron del estudio: 29% presentaron Lesión Renal Aguda, siendo el 62,1% de estos del sexo masculino y edad de 70±16 años.Se evidenció asociación del agravio con infección (p=0,018), ventilación mecánica por más de 48 horas (p=0,016), muerte (p=0,010) y lesión por presión (p=0,037). Conclusión: El estudio ayudará en la identificación precoz de la lesión renal, contribuyendo al planeamiento para reducir las complicaciones de la enfermedad.Objective: to evaluate the association of Acute Kidney Injury with the clinical outcomes of patients in the Intensive Care Unit.Method: this is the clipping from a cohort study with a prospective view, carried out in a private intensive unit in the capital of Sergipe between October 2018 and July 2019. This was a convenience and non-probabilistic sample. The data were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests; Fisher’s exact test and t-Student through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.Results: a total of 100 patients participated in the study, 29% had acute kidney injury, 62.1% were male and aged 70 ± 16 years. We evidenced an association between injury and infection (p=0.018), mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours (p=0.016), death (p=0.010) and pressure injury (p=0.037).Conclusion: The study will contribute to the early identification of kidney injury, promoting assistance with therapeutic planning to reduce the complications of the disease

    Canine Hypothyroidism with Neurological Disorders

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    Background: Hypothyroidism is characterized by hypofunction of the thyroid gland. It results in deficient production of thyroid hormones. Neurological disorders resulting from hypothyroidism are rare, which highlights the importance of this study. This study reports a case of hypothyroidism in a dog with neurological clinical signs, that was treated at the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz’s Veterinary Hospital (HV-UESC).   Case: A 4-year-old male intact Dogo Argentino breed dog, weighing 64 kg, presenting obesity, anorexia, prostration, walking in circles, and chronic dermatopathy was presented at HV-UESC. Upon physical examination, the animal presented a deficit of proprioception in the 4 limbs, with preserved superficial and deep pain. No alteration was observed in the ears, that could explained the clinical signs. In terms of dermatopathy, the animal presented symmetrical alopecia in the lateral region of the thighs and tail. Blood samples were collected for a complete blood count and biochemical tests of urea, creatinine, ALT, AST and cholesterol. Imaging radiography and ultrasonography were performed, which ruled out thoracic and abdominal changes that could be related to the case. Prior to receiving the blood test results, idiopathic encephalitis was suspected and enrofloxacin and prednisone were prescribed for 7 days. During the medication period, previous exams were provided, which indicated only increased cholesterol (500 mg/dL). The animal showed no improvement with the prescribed medication. In view of the clinical signs presented by the patient and the results of the additional tests, hormonal disease was suspected, compatible with hypothyroidism. Thus, hormonal tests of total T4, free T4, and TSH were requested, leading to verification of reduced total T4 (0.3 ng/dL) and free T4 (0.15 ng/dL) levels, and confirming the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. The previous treatment was suspended and thyroid hormone replacement was initiated. After 3 days of treatment, the neurological signs regressed and the animal became more active; after 30 days, the areas of alopecia decreased. Although the patient did not receive the recommended clinical follow-up for such cases, it was possible to establish the ideal levothyroxine dosage for the dog after appropriate adjustments, which permitted thyroid hormone levels to return to normal. Discussion: This report refers to a case of hypothyroidism in a giant dog breed. The dog in the report showed clinical signs of a dermatological, metabolic, and neurological nature, which is consistent with a lack of thyroid hormone. The main signs presented by the animal were neurological, such as walking in circles and a deficit of proprioception in the four limbs. These clinical signs are rarely mentioned in the literature associated with hypothyroidism. Laboratory abnormalities are correlated with the severity and chronicity of the disease. The animal showed a decrease in total T4 and free T4, which is to be expected in a hypothyroid animal. As a result, levothyroxine replacement treatment was initiated. The dose used for the dog, which is the recommended dose in the literature, greatly increased its total T4 levels. As a result, the dose was readjusted after a new clinical evaluation. The rate of metabolism and absorption of levothyroxine varies widely and is independent of weight. The patient showed quickly improvement in neurological signs, activity level, and serum cholesterol rate. Regarding dermatological signs and body condition, there was a more gradual improvement. This corroborates what is mentioned in the literature, which indicates that improvements can take many months. Keywords:  hormonal Disease, hypothyroidism, neuropathy


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    A evasão é um fenômeno presente em todos os níveis da educação, inclusive no ensino superior e tem sido objeto de muitos estudos e pesquisas educacionais que procuram descobrir suas reais causas. O ensino superior entrou em um processo de expansão a partir do ano de 2007, com a criação do Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI), que tinha como lema a reestruturação das universidades federais brasileiras (OLIVEIRA e MORAIS, 2015). Entretanto, tal crescimento trouxe consigo alguns desafios relacionados não somente ao ingresso desse novo público, mas, também a sua continuidade, ou seja, garantir a permanência destes ingressantes sem perder a qualidade pela quantidade, pois se de um lado a IES tem dificuldades em administrar este novo contingente, de outro os novos alunos se vêem, de certo modo perdidos ou com dificuldades de adaptação ao ambiente universitário e suas particularidades. Neste sentido, é necessário compreender o fenômeno da “evasão” (ANDRIOLA, ANDRIOLA e MOURA, 2006). O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar os aspectos que têm sido apontados pela literatura como determinantes para o aluno tomar a decisão de evadir do Ensino Superior. Uma vez que estes fatores podem ser de ordem interna ou externa ao aluno e assim se tornarem determinantes na decisão do aluno em evadirse (FURTADO e ALVES, 2012). Este conhecimento é importante, pois oferece subsídios para se traçar planos e metas para minimizar este processo de abandono. Esta pesquisa é parte de um estudo mais amplo que está sendo desenvolvida pelo Departamento de Apoio Psicossociopedagógico – DAPSI/Pró-Reitoria de Ensino de Graduação da Unifesspa, o qual objetiva investigar índices de evasão na universidade, bem como os fatores que contribuíram para a desistência do discente

    Atrial fibrillation ablation : the added value of adenosine test in confirming pulmonary vein isolation

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    © The European Society of Cardiology 2018. All rights reserved.Introduction: Adenosine test has been increasingly used to confirm pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) in patients undergoing ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF). However, its impact on the success of ablation remains unknown. Purposes: To evaluate the results of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) test in patients undergoing PVI and assess the success of ablation related to the use of this test (adenosine-guided PVI versus conventional PVI). Methods: Single-center prospective study of consecutive patients undergoing first AF ablation procedure, started at January 2013. After ablation, the persistence of PVI was tested with adenosine triphosphate administration (15–30mg by intravenous route). When adenosine triphosphate-induced pulmonary vein conduction (termed as reconduction) was observed, additional energy applications of radiofrequency were applied to obtain persistent isolation on retesting. Cardiac event recorder was performed at 7 days, 3, 6 and 12 months after ablation and annually from the 2nd year. The adenosine triphosphate-induced reconduction rate was evaluated depending on the pulmonary vein involved. The impact of adenosine test implementation in the success of the ablation at 365 days (recurrence of AF or supraventricular tachycardia) was determined by analysis of overall survival using Kaplan-Meier method. Results: Adenosine test was performed on 151 patients, with reconduction detected on at least one of the pulmonary veins in 11 patients (33.8%) and in 17.6% of the 641 pulmonary veins evaluated, with no statistically significant difference between the different veins. The overall success rate of AF ablation at 365 days was 72% and did not differ significantly between adenosine-guided PVI versus conventional PVI (74.3% versus 70.8%, P = NS), although the duration of follow-up had been shorter in the first group (median of 13.0 vs. 38.3 months; p<0.001). Conclusion: The adenosine-induced reconduction occurs in about one third of the patients. However, the additional adenosine-guided energy applications do not seem to increase the overall success of ablation. We found no significant reduction in the 1 year incidence of recurrent atrial tachyarrhythmias by ATP-guided PVI compared with conventional PVI.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A evasão é uma problemática presente em todos os níveis da educação brasileira. “É um problema que vem preocupando as instituições de ensino em geral, sejam públicas ou particulares, pois a saída de alunos provoca graves consequências sociais, acadêmicas e econômicas” (BAGGI e LOPES, 2010, p. 356). As causas da evasão são variadas, assim como suas consequências, como é possível encontrar nas pesquisas já desenvolvidas sobre este fenômeno, dentre elas: expectativas equivocadas sobre o curso, falta de conhecimentos básicos do Ensino Médio, insucesso acadêmico, pouca perspectiva de inserção no mercado de trabalho (JESUS, 2015; FERREIRA, 2010; LOBO et al, 2012; SLHESSARENKO et al, 2014; VILLAS BÔAS, 2003). Neste sentido, é nítido a necessidade de se compreender o fenômeno da evasão/permanência, especialmente diante da luta pela democratização do Ensino Superior. A ampliação do número de vagas e da criação de novas universidades, faz-se necessária, mas é insuficiente para se garantir o direito à Educação (OLIVEIRA; MORAIS, 2015). Diante disto, é de suma importância investigar este fenômeno na Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (Unifesspa) a fim de se conhecer os indicadores da evasão nos cursos de graduação e planejar políticas que possam favorecer a permanência do discente no ensino superior. A Unifesspa foi criada em 2013 (Lei 12.824 de 05 de junho de 2013) por desmembramento da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), sendo uma instituição multicampi situada nos municípios de Marabá, Rondon do Pará, São Felix do Xingu, Santana do Araguaia e Xinguara.&nbsp;Este estudo apresenta os resultados parciais de uma pesquisa que está sendo desenvolvida pelo Departamento de Apoio Psicossociopedagógico – DAPSI/Pró-Reitoria de Ensino de Graduação da Unifesspa que visa investigar índices de evasão na universidade, bem como os fatores que contribuíram para a desistência do discente. Este trabalho se propôs a verificar quais são os cursos com maior número de alunos evadidos dos cursos de graduação na instituição no período de 2005 a 2015, considerando especificamente os discentes que ingressaram a partir de 2005. Ressalta-se que em virtude do desmembramento da Unifesspa ter ocorrido em 2014, este estudo contemplou tanto discentes que ingressaram como alunos da UFPA como Unifesspa.&nbsp


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    O uso das argilas tem despertado grandes interesses nas indústrias, pois é um argilomineral abundante no Brasil e economicamente viável, além de ser um material que ao ser descartado não agride o meio ambiente